Welcome to the blog!
Welcome to the StandupWizard blog! This blog provides news and updates surrounding the platform, as well as guides on how to accomplish various tasks using the platform.
In addition to articles on the platform itself, this blog will also include articles on a wide array of topics relating to running effective remote teams in a distributed world.
What is StandupWizard?
StandupWizard is a Slack app that automates running asynchronous "standup" meetings for distributed teams. On a schedule of your choosing, each participant will receive a message with a series of questions to answer. Once a participant completes their report, it will get broadcast to the larger team to facilitate communication and collaboration.
This blog will include a monthly (occasionally semi-monthly) article in which you can stay up to date with by subscribing to our mailing list, found on the homepage of this blog. We will only ever send an email about new articles that get published.
If you have any questions regarding this article or the platform as a whole, feel free to get in touch!
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